$47.00 USD

Stop The Constant Self-Criticism

Life’s too short to let your inner mean girl run the show. 

Constant self-criticism can completely debilitate you from taking action, leading to social anxiety, fear of judgement, feelings of fear, shame, guilt and even depression.

Over time that means earning less money, less job (and life satisfaction), and feeling like you're constantly stuck with no way out. 

It all starts with turning down the volume on your inner critic. 

Here are some of the changes you can expect:

  • Be kinder to yourself and still get sh*t done 
  • Leave work at work so you can focus on who and what is most important in your life
  • Stop living in imposter syndrome and really own your badass self AND your accomplishments, without fear or shame (even in job interviews).

  • Create consistent confidence at work, without faking it ‘til you make it, earning another degree, or getting promoted.  

  • Get the fulfillment you want without quitting your job, leaving your partner or burning it all down. 

You can learn to stop the constant self-criticism so that you can experience more confidence, ease, and joy as you go after what you really want from life. 

Life isn't about doing everything perfectly so you never make a mistake.  

It's about being a full-on messy human. 

You didn't want to be a robot anyway.

In this course you will get 5 easy self-paced lessons to help you get there.