Do you trust yourself?


You'd like to say yes, but...


You're terrified of making mistakes, 


You second guess all of your decisions,


Your commitments to yourself are the first to go when someone else needs something (bye-bye gym),


Your inner critic is the loudest voice in the room. 


You need to shift..


From Self-Doubt to Self-Trust


Learn how in this free on-demand video


30 Minutes


3 Simple Tools


The self-trust you need to create the life you want



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Hi, I'm Amanda and I help women go from surviving to thriving.  If you're ready to stop feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled, and insecure, you're in the right place!  


Why Self-Trust?


Self-trust is knowing that no matter what happens, you'll figure it out.  It’s the cornerstone of confidence and the opposite of self-doubt and anxious thinking.  

Self-trust is the mindset that ‘whatever comes my way, I will be able to handle it.’

Someone with a high degree of self-trust feels safe in relying on their own mental, emotional, and physical abilities, and there is a deep inner knowing that life will not topple them easily.

Someone with a low degree of self-trust will look to others for validation, put their own needs last, and generally doubt themselves and their decisions.  

A high degree of self-trust is essential in order to successfully navigate life.  


A lack of self-trust can look like: 

  • Sacrificing your own needs for others.
  • Worrying there is something wrong with you, even if you don't know what it is.
  • Believing you are not as capable or "good" as others think you are.
  • Playing down your mistakes, fearing others will think less of you. 
  • Feeling like you are not good enough. 
  • Coming down hard on yourself when criticized, feeling guilty and ashamed.
  • Difficulty making decisions and constantly asking others for guidance. 
  • Being afraid of making the wrong choice or disappointing others. 
  • Hiding your authentic self, feeling overly self-conscious.

When you don’t trust yourself, you end up going in a million different directions. Your actions don’t always line up with what matters to you. A discord can develop between who you are and how you act.  Over time you can forget who you are and what's important to you.

In this free online class I will teach you the 3 tools I use regularly with my clients (and myself!) to help them build the self-trust that they are looking for.  


Here are some of the changes you can expect when you regularly use these tools:

  • Be kinder to yourself and still get sh*t done 
  • Leave work at work so you can focus on who and what is most important in your life
  • Stop living in imposter syndrome and really own your badass self AND your accomplishments, without fear or shame (even in job interviews).
  • Create consistent confidence at work, without faking it ‘til you make it, earning another degree, or getting promoted.  
  • Get the fulfillment you want without quitting your job, leaving your partner or burning it all down. 


You can learn to build unshakeable self-trust so that you can experience more confidence, ease, and joy as you go after what you really want from life, even if you've lacked confidence for as long as you can remember.  


Why This Class Is Different 


A lot of programs are overly complicated and advise actions that are easier said than done.  You won't find any "fake it 'til you make it" or "take yourself on a date" advice here.  

The tips I'll share in this class are based on simple, actionable steps that work with the way your brain is designed to help you rewire your neural pathways so that you become more confident at a brain-based level.  And don't worry, no complicated neuroscience or brain surgery required.  Just 3 simple, actionable steps that actually work to help you build self-trust and feel more confident.  



The Nitty Gritty

When you sign up for the class you will receive immediate access to the course as well as the accompanying workbook.  


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