Overcome Overwhelm, Lack of Fulfillment, and Anxiety by Building an Unshakeable Mindset


You know by now, that if you want to change how you look and feel physically you’re going to have to train your body.  You know… eating right, exercising, all of the things.  


But, did you know— it’s just as important to train your mind?


You are a product of what you think. 


So… let me guess—you want to change your life?


You want to feel more fulfilled, purposeful, loved, successful, at peace in yourself and your body and with your family.

You want to be free of personal and professional drama.

Mostly you want to be free of the crippling anxiety, constant self doubt and indecision, wondering if you’re “doing it right”.

Then you have to train your mind. 

Just like a gym for your body, you’ll need a gym for your mind and a personal trainer.

To train, to work out, and to recondition for a new mindset that will take you into extraordinary new heights. 


You Know the Importance of Exercising Your Body. 


It's Just as Important to Exercise Your Mind. 

Sound Familiar? 

  • You’ve accomplished a lot over your life but you still feel like an imposter.   
  • Other people have told you that you’re good at your job, and you wish you could believe them but you just can't.
  • You keep thinking that you’d be more successful if you could just get out of your own way. 
  • You’re not sure how much longer you can balance all of your responsibilities without everything crashing down around you, or you having a nervous breakdown.  
  • You find yourself thinking a short hospital stay is sounding nice because at least then you could get some rest.  


It’s not you, it’s your brain. And I can help you work with it to create success on your own terms. 


Welcome to “The Mindset Gym”.

The Mindset Gym is a 6 week guided coaching program where you will:

  • Overcome overwhelm, lack of fulfillment, and anxiety,
  • Discover how to work with your brain to achieve success on your own terms, without the hustle, grind, and burnout that you're used to,
  • Manage your emotions so you no longer are at the mercy of anger, shame, or disappointment,
  • Spend more time with the people you love because you can leave work at work without guilt.

Your brain is the most powerful tool on the planet, there is no amount of money that could ever reproduce it. 

Managing your brain is the most important thing you will ever do in order to get the results you want in life. 

But nobody teaches you how. Until now. 

Imagine your brain is a computer. 

What’s happening right now for you is you're in 2023 running on Microsoft 1998. It's time for an upgrade! We update our computers just about yearly for new conditions, new expectations with a new and improved operating system to help us adapt to the times. 

Have you updated your mind? The mental operating system? It was installed when you were a child, by parents, environmental conditions and society. So... when was the last time you got a full system upgrade?

The old operating system gives priority to spiraling negative thoughts and feelings: “I’m not good enough, there’s not enough time, energy, money… I don’t know what I’m doing” come from all of the messages you heard growing up.

Your current thought patterns are simply neural networks that have gotten strong in your brain over time.

For example, when you think self-critical thoughts, you feel insecure and inadequate. Makes sense right? And when you think self-confident thoughts, you feel...confident!

So if we change your neural networks, we can change the way you think. That means we can take the self-critical thoughts you have and literally change them into self-confident thoughts instead. 

How do we change neural networks to make thinking positively easier? 

Thankfully I have an arsenal of tools and easy resources for you to use to make the shift. 

The New Operating System:

  • Making decisions from a place of confidence so you no longer waste time and energy second-guessing yourself.
  • Believing so deeply in your own worth that you no longer worry about what your boss, your co-workers, or your sister-in-law thinks about you. 
  • Creating time for yourself to spend an afternoon on the couch with a book without guilt 

You don’t need any previous experience, and these tools are so simple anyone could do them in under 5 minutes a day. 

Discover these tools and more, in the Mindset Gym for your very own easy, at-home mental workout.


Learn it all in the Mindset Gym. 

A 6 week mental reconditioning program with your very own personal trainer & coach.

I’m here to help take you from fear, doubt and insecurity to extraordinary confidence.


Hi. My name is Amanda Ryan Fear. I used to suffer from crippling self-doubt, believing that if only I could get other people to approve of me and accomplish enough during the day I would finally get to feel good about myself.  I was so exhausted I found myself thinking a short hospital stay sounded like just the rest I needed.. But it didn't make sense. I was a successful high school administrator, went to an Ivy League college, and had a doctoral degree.. You’d think I would have been able to get my mind straight! But I learned quickly that you can have all the external success in the world, but if your mind isn’t conditioned for a peace-filled, joyful reality then you’re still stuck in crippling fear and anxiety no matter how successful you appear on the outside.  


Once I learned how to manage my thinking and emotions (my mindset) everything turned around. I went from feeling totally overwhelmed to feeling calm, confident and in control on a daily basis. What used to cause me severe mental anxiety keeping me stuck in catastrophizing patterns now has turned into excitement for each day and what it will bring.  


I’m going to take you through my proven-and-tested system that I use every day with myself and my private clients to create success on their own terms, whether that’s quitting a job that they secretly hate and opening their own business, moving to a small beach town where they can surf every day before work, or being more present with their kids because they’re no longer rushing around thinking they have to get everything done before they can relax.  


After completing the program, you will be able to: 

  • Spend an afternoon on the couch with a good book without guilt
  • Have more time and energy for the activities and people you love 
  • Have the inner confidence to match your outer achievements 
  • Apply for that dream job that feels out of reach without talking yourself out of it 
  • Stop worrying about what your coworkers are thinking about you because you are secure in yourself and your abilities 
  • Sleep better because you’re no longer constantly ruminating about how you couldn’t answer someone’s question in a meeting
  • Make decisions more easily without second guessing yourself
  • Learn how to create time for yourself because you know how to manage your energy and emotions 


It’s a competitive world.  Only the people who know how to manage their minds will succeed without feeling like they’re on a constant hamster wheel trying to get everything done and sacrificing their physical, mental, and emotional health.    


When you enroll in The Mindset Gym, you’ll receive:

  • 6 online masterclasses to teach you the skills you need to create success on your own terms
  • Lifetime access to the course 


This program is a $1200 value, but I'm offering it to you for $800.   


I’ve taken the tools that hundreds of my clients have found to be the most powerful and distilled them down into an easy to follow 6-week process so that you can create success on your own terms.  

If you’re ready to get into peak shape mentally— I’d like to invite you to enroll in The Mindset Gym. Recondition your mind, get into the best mental gym on the planet, with the easiest tools to take you from overwhelm into confidence.


Looking for Additional Support? 


Join The Mindset Gym Intensive and get:

  • 6 online masterclasses to teach you the skills you need to create success on your own terms
  • Lifetime access to the course 
  • PLUS 3 private hour long coaching calls to help you dig deeper into the material AND 
  • Text and voice support for 6 weeks during the program 


This is a $4100 value that you receive for

*one payment of $2995 up front


*2 monthly payments of $1650 each

Mindset Gym Registration Page
Mindset Gym Intensive Registration Page


Q:  When does the program start?

A: You can start using the tools to manage your thinking as soon as you sign up!

Q:  What does the program look like? 

A: As soon as you sign up you will receive access to the course introduction, the first lesson, and a link to book the 3 private coaching calls with me.    All of the lessons are video lessons with accompanying homework.  Plan about 30-60 minutes each week to watch the video and complete the associated work.  You will have lifetime access to the course so there is no deadline to complete it and you can always go back to repeat lessons.  

Q: My life isn't bad, I'm just feeling stuck.  Is this program for me? 

A: Yep, 100%.  Managing your mind is a skill you will use to create the kind of life you want to live for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.  And yes, I'm yelling. 

Q:  Is it worth the money?

A:  That is a decision you will need to make for yourself.  I will ALWAYS spend money on coaching because investing in my brain and my future is always worth it.  I'm not lying or exaggerating when I say that learning how to manage your thinking is the most powerful skill for thinking, feeling, and being how you want to in the world.  

Q: What if I get behind?

A: The Mindset Gym is designed for you to work at your own pace so there is no "behind" in the work.  Plus you have lifetime access to the course so you can always re-visit any of the modules at any time.  

What Clients Are Saying About This Work


My favorite part of coaching with Amanda are those "aha" moments I experience in every session.  Those moments when, thanks to your supportive coaching, I learn to recognize yet another long-held thought pattern that has been keeping me stuck. I am learning so much from you and hope that many other women get to experience the amazing work that you do!  - Maggie S. 


When I started this program I was in an awesome transition phase of my life, but I really needed some external guidance and help breaking past some of the roadblocks I had created for myself in the past. Through the program I learned how to manage my thinking in a whole new way so that I’m not so overwhelmed by everything.  I now know how to set boundaries and prioritize so I no longer feel like I’m running around like a crazy person.  Everything just feels so much better.  - Janelle R. 


(When I started this program) I was feeling very stuck and overwhelmed with my workload and challenges keeping everything together while working at home.  Now I am able to set boundaries around what I’m willing and what I’m not willing to do so that I have time to spend with my kids at the end of the day where I’m not stressed and thinking about work all of the time.  - Natalie M. 


I wasn’t in touch with what I wanted out of life.  After decades in a really demanding job that took up so much of my life, time, mental, and emotional energy I knew I wasn’t happy, but I was making good money and was afraid to give that up.  After I learned how to get my time and energy back under control I was able to see my job for what it was, just a job.  I ended up getting a new job in a different field that I absolutely love and am actually making even more money than I was before.  I’m so glad I did this. - Anita M. 

When You Sign Up For The Mindset Gym, You Get: 

🧠My concrete 5 step process to separate your limiting beliefs from reality
 🧠The Manual, a tool for improving your relationships whether it’s with your partner, your in-laws, your boss, or the person in front of you at the grocery store who is moving at a snail’s pace when you’re in a hurry
🧠Decision-Making 101, how to make the right decision every time
🧠Energy Management, as you know, it’s not about managing your time, it’s about managing your energy. Learn the tools I use to get it all done and still have MORE energy at the end of the day than you started with
🧠Emotional Management, how to stop letting negative emotions stop you in your tracks so that you actually can “feel the fear and do it anyway”
⭐️And as a bonus get my Money Mindset Masterclass so you can stop worrying about money once and for all.
What you can expect once you’ve completed the training:
❤️Waking up feeling calm and centered rather than anxious and frazzled
❤️Not spending extra time and energy second guessing every decision
❤️Feeling calm throughout the day instead of feeling like you’re always behind
❤️Learn to be happy with your mess… whether it’s dirty dishes or an emotional outburst, knowing how to navigate it and be ok
❤️Feeling like you have the time to take care of yourself whether that’s taking a nap, reading a good (or not so good) book, turning off your phone without guilt
❤️Being able to book a solo trip without feeling bad for leaving your family behind
❤️Finally not worrying about money because you’re able to separate out the math from the drama
The Mindset Gym is a 6 week personal training course for your mind so that you can finally feel better.
Doors are open now, get started as soon as you sign up.

The Modules

Module 1: Your Thoughts:  The Foundation of Everything.  

Learn why your thoughts are the key to all of the results you're getting in your life, the good, the bad and the ugly, and what to do about it.  You will learn the difference between an unmanaged mind and a managed mind and how to use this knowledge to change your life.  You will also learn a simple tool for managing your mind so you are no longer at the mercy of your negative thinking.  

Module 2:  Your Emotions:  The Next Step

Emotional management is: how to actually process an emotion instead of resisting to it or reacting to it, so that you no longer are stopped in your tracks by fear, shame, or guilt; how to create an emotion on purpose to get more of what you want done (more joy? yes please!); and how procrastination and overwhelm are not time management problems but emotional management problems. 

Module 3:  Action!

Massive action is the key to accomplishing your biggest goals, but taking action from the wrong thoughts and emotions will only cause you to spin your wheels.  In this week you will learn how to conserve time and energy by deciding which actions to take, and which to dump, delegate, or re-design.  

Module 4:  Putting It All Together 

How to create any result on purpose by managing your thinking.   Managing how you think has a ripple effect on your emotions, actions, and results.  Learn a 5 point system for coaching yourself through anything life throws at you.  

Module 5:  Decisions

How to make any decision with confidence so you stop second-guessing yourself.  Learn the truth about decisions and why becoming a bomb-proof decision maker will speed your success.  

Week 6:  Self Trust

The building block of confidence, self-trust is the belief that no matter what happens you'll be ok.  In this module you'll learn how to have your own back in any situation, tame your inner critic, and stop being afraid to get your hopes up about the exciting future you're building. 


Money Mindset Masterclass: When it comes to money, there's math and then there's drama.  Learn how to cut down on the drama so you can focus on the math of your money in order to learn to love spending it, saving it, and investing it with confidence.  

How To Get It Done:  The only time management system you will ever need, one that works with your brain and teaches you how to have more energy at the end of the day than you started with.  

Relationships 101:  How to stop caring what other people think of you, for reals.  Coping with the toxic boss, annoying co-worker, and your family.  Preserve your relationships and save your sanity.  

Ready to Overcome Overwhelm, Lack of Fulfillment, and Insecurity Once And For All?

Join The Mindset Gym and start creating a life that feels good TODAY! 

You will get access to the first lesson and a link to sign up for your first private coaching call as soon as you sign up. 

Enroll today, feel better today. 

Mindset Gym Registration
Mindset Gym Intensive Registration

Need More Information? 

Book a 30 minute call with me to get all of your questions answered.  

Book a Call